Why you should choose us?
MediaAnalyzer is an online market research institute. As one of the leading specialists for advertising impact and target groups, we help to reliably safeguard investments in advertising and marketing. We help our clients to optimise advertising media and marketing materials efficiently and specifically for their target groups by means of our results and recommendations.
MediaAnalyzer has an extensive experience in conducting online and offline studies on advertising impact, target groups and marketing. With our technologies, we are able to help our clients quickly and cost-effectively in their growing need for concrete analyses on specific questions. Our innovative methods for attention measurement (AttentionTracking) and emotion measurement (EmotionTracking) enable us to conduct even complex studies in the target group accurately and representatively.
In addition, our services include intensive consulting in the interpretation of results and the implementation of concrete improvements to optimise advertising impact.
We are active on the market worldwide through our companies in Hamburg and New York and through representative offices in Europe and SouthEast Asia. Through cooperation with universities, we continuously secure our know-how advantage.