Audio.Analyzer: Analyzing and increasing the impact of audio spots

As a classic mass medium, audio offers advertisers a wide range of opportunities to reach target groups regionally and nationally. In times of smart speakers, podcasts and streaming, audio is almost constantly present, making it an important companion throughout the day. Advertisers can take advantage of this proximity to consumers. But how does an audio spot become an effective audio spot?

To measure the impact of audio spots, a powerful analysis tool was developed in cooperation with the audio marketer RMS: The Audio.Analyzer. The tool combines the measurement of spontaneous, emotional reactions with a standardized survey. Audio spots can thus be thoroughly tested.

“The benefit for advertisers: The analysis provides recommendations for creative optimization, shows how audio advertising is best received by listeners, and can thus contribute to advertising success.” (Source: planning&analysis)

The Audio.Analyzer has become the standard test for checking creation quality. After the first approx. 26,000 interviews with 155 audio spots, an overarching analysis was carried out, the result of which was an easy-to-understand rating system that is now part of the Audio.Analyzer’s basic equipment: the Audio.Scores.

“Embedded in an agile reporting system, the Audio.Scores can thus be an important part of a creative early warning system.” (Source: Research&Results)

Audio.Analyzer: Analyzing and increasing the impact of audio spots

As a classic mass medium, audio offers advertisers a wide range of opportunities to reach target groups regionally and nationally. In times of smart speakers, podcasts and streaming, audio is almost constantly present, making it an important companion throughout the day. Advertisers can take advantage of this proximity to consumers. But how does an audio spot become an effective audio spot?

To measure the impact of audio spots, a powerful analysis tool was developed in cooperation with the audio marketer RMS: The Audio.Analyzer. The tool combines the measurement of spontaneous, emotional reactions with a standardized survey. Audio spots can thus be thoroughly tested.

“The benefit for advertisers: The analysis provides recommendations for creative optimization, shows how audio advertising is best received by listeners, and can thus contribute to advertising success.” (Source: planning&analysis)

The Audio.Analyzer has become the standard test for checking creation quality. After the first approx. 26,000 interviews with 155 audio spots, an overarching analysis was carried out, the result of which was an easy-to-understand rating system that is now part of the Audio.Analyzer’s basic equipment: the Audio.Scores.

“Embedded in an agile reporting system, the Audio.Scores can thus be an important part of a creative early warning system.” (Source: Research&Results)